Saint Rita Catholic School

In the Classical Tradition
Preschool - Grade 8
"The soul of education is the education of the soul"

Parent Teacher Organization: A True Partnership

Welcome to the Saint Rita Catholic School PTO!

Why should you join the PTO? We help you enrich your children’s educational experience through volunteering, fundraising, and spiritual support. Every parent has a role to play – and your child is counting on you.  

How can you get involved? The PTO can help you fulfill your volunteering requirement under the Family Stewardship Program.

You have many volunteering opportunities, including the 5K/Fun Run, the Auction, and Field Day. We provide ongoing support for individual teachers and specific school needs – from classroom supplies to safety improvements.

When does the PTO meet?

Meetings: We meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9 pm, from September to June, in the School Hall.  Zoom links will be emailed prior to each meeting. Light refreshments will be provided.

  • 2024-25 Meeting Dates: September 3; October 1; November 5 (cancelled); December 3; January 7; February 4; March 4; April 1; May 6; June 3.

Agenda: Do you have something you’d like to discuss at an upcoming meeting? Please email All agenda items must be received by 5 pm Thursday before each meeting.  Meeting agenda will be published by 5 pm on the Friday before each meeting.

Executive Board

PresidentSarah Swango
Vice PresidentAdria Tayrani
TreasurerMelanie Krause
SecretaryStephen Ford
Preschool RepresentativeDana Mann & Jessica Moran

Principal’s Morning Coffee and Evening Appetizers

If you have questions about non-PTO issues, such as academics or student life, you may raise them at the Principal Morning Coffee and Evening Appetizers.  These are held 3-4 times per year, on designated mornings at 8:15 am, and evenings at 6:45 pm before the PTO meeting. 

Family Stewardship Program

Saint Rita Spirit Gear is Here!

Saint Rita School receives 10% of each sale, and students may wear Spirit Gear in lieu of PE Uniforms and on dress down days! Click the icon below to order yours today!