Saint Rita Catholic School

In the Classical Tradition
Preschool - Grade 8
"The soul of education is the education of the soul"

Saint Rita Catholic Preschool

Saint Rita Catholic Preschool embraces the idea that “the soul of education is the education of the soul” (Pope Pius XI). We are a half-day Catholic preschool dedicated to forming children intellectually and spiritually using the teaching of the Catholic Church. We treasure faith in Jesus Christ and are dedicated to serving His people.

Opened in the fall of 2011, Saint Rita Catholic Preschool offers traditional child-centered, play-based classrooms designed to develop the whole child through prayer, problem solving, socialization, imaginary play, as well as emergent reading and writing. The program also features enrichment classes in both Music and P.E.

Our unique program blends the traditional play-based classroom with our faith-based Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium) program. Built on the Montessori method, our Atrium is a specially prepared environment to aid our preschoolers’ spiritual development through hands-on opportunities to work with unique materials centered on the Catholic faith. Children may work with a model altar or baptismal font, as examples, in a classroom where the environment itself is a teacher.

Saint Rita Catholic Preschool is a Religiously Exempt Child Day Center in accordance with state requirements.

All of our classes run from 8/8:15-11:45 am with an optional Lunch Bunch extension opportunity until 1:30 pm. All classrooms are staffed with one Lead Teacher and one Instructional Aide.

Angels: Our 2-3 Year Old Program

Our Angels attend either two (Thurs-Fri) or three (Mon-Wed) mornings per week. Our Angels have a weekly religion class that prepares them to enter our Atrium as Lambs. To apply, children must be two years of age by September 30, and do not yet need to be potty trained to register.

Lambs: Our 3-4 Year Old Program

Our Lambs attend three mornings per week, either Monday-Wednesday or Wednesday-Friday. Lambs participate in 90 minute Atrium sessions each week and also attend School Mass monthly. To apply, Lambs must have turned three by September 30 and must be fully potty trained to register.

Shepherds: Our 4-5 Year Old Program

Our Shepherds attend five mornings per week, Monday-Friday, in a program focused on Kindergarten readiness. Shepherds continue to participate in a 90 minute Atrium session each week, and also attend school Mass on rotating weeks. Children must be four years of age by September 30 to apply, and fully potty trained to register.

To Learn More or Schedule a Tour:

Feel free to contact our Preschool Director, Mrs. Caitlin Rockwell, at or call her at (703) 548-1888 ext. 16.

To Apply to Preschool:

See Admissions page to apply, and then mail or drop off the $75/child application fee ($150/family max) to the school. Please note that Saint Rita parishioners and siblings of current Saint Rita students receive priority consideration.

For Resource & Reference: Preschool Parent & Student Handbook