Extended Day Program

The purpose of the Saint Rita Extended Day Program is to support parents by providing quality and consistent supervised care beyond normal school hours. Emphasis of the program is on providing a secure and loving environment that is consistent with the school and home environment. We foster respectful interaction among children and adults, provide creative activities, and strengthen independent study habits.
A nutritious snack will be served to all children attending the program. Children who need more than the provided snack should bring an additional snack and/or drink with them to school.
Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students
All enrolled Kindergarten-8th grade students should have complete registration paperwork on file, in case a need to use the program arises. No fees are billed until the program is used.
Click here for the registration form, which then needs to be returned to the school office.
Morning Care Hours of Operation:
7-7:50 am on all school days
Hours of Operation:
3:15-5:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
2:15-5:30 pm on Wednesdays
Extended Day is also available following 11:30 dismissals, until 5:30 pm, unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.
Fees are billed via FACTS, rounded up to the nearest 15 minute increment, at the
following rates:
- $12/hour for 1 child
- $15/hour for 2 siblings
- $17/hour for 3 or more siblings
Our program is licensed by the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia
For More Information:
call: 703-548-1888 ext 26
email: extendedday@saintrita-school.org or elizano@saintrita-school.org